Stray Current Corrosion Monitoring System
Tokai’s SCCMS is tested and certified system for monitoring and mitigating stray current damages for MRT and LRT stations.
Stray current as defined in BS EN 50122-2 as the part of a current which follow paths other than the intended paths and the consequence of stray current is that where it leaves a buried metal object, electrolytic corrosion will occur, frequently in highly localised areas and potentially leading to loss of material and damages
This is clearly undesirable in the case of metallic pipes carrying gas and water, as leakage and/or rupture has obvious safety and/or operational risks to both the tramway and the general public. In the case of cables, particularly the older lead sheathed types, such loss occurs even more rapidly and can lead to breakdown of the (now) unprotected inner insulation of the cable.
Tokai’s SCCMS is a tested and certified system for monitoring and mitigating stray current damages for MRT & LRT stations in full compliance to BS EN 50122-2 International Standard and ISO 9001:2015 Certification.
Download Catalogue
Download our Stray Current Corrosion Monitoring System catalogue here
Protecting Malaysia's MRT Stations
Tokai’s Stray Current Monitoring Management System (SCCMS) has been deployed as the front line defense against the devastating effects of lightning strikes on MRT Line 1 (Sg. Buloh–Kajang) as well as MRT Line 2 (Sungai Buloh–Serdang–Putrajaya).
The scope of work includes Earthing and Lightning Protection (E&LP), Stray Current Corrosion Management System (SCCMS) and Platform Touch Voltage Protection Membrane System (PTVPMS).
Tokai’s LPS is tested and proven to deliver protection when it matters the most, in the event of a devastating lightning strike. Minimal downtime, maximum protection!
Our Scope Of Services

- To provide specialist engineering and consultancy for the design, supply, install, testing and commissioning of the stray current reference electrode in accordance to the BS EN 50122-2 Code of Practice
- To provide an effective stray current monitoring and control system in accordance with the requirements of the underground track structures under civil & structures scope of works

Get In Touch With Us!

Tokai’s world-class lightning protection systems and security engineering solutions keep the nation’s infrastructures safe and minimizes downtime. If you have any enquiries or require further information, get in touch with us! Our qualified and highly experienced personnel is available to provide quality consultation and to offer the customized solution for your needs.