Lightning Audit Compliance To MS IEC 62305-2

Lightning is one of the biggest threats to mankind and animals apart from property loss. When there is a threat, risk will always be there, which needs to be mitigated. Otherwise there will be damages which results in losses. Due to the enormous increase of the high rise buildings, the risk has only increased to manifold. To address the issue, in 2007, Malaysia adopted the IEC 62305 as Malaysian Standard (MS), which means MS IEC 62305 from then now on has replaced the BS6651:1999 Code of practice for the protection of buildings and structures against lightning.

MS IEC 62305 – Protection against Lightning has 4 parts
MS IEC 62305-1: Basic Principles
MS IEC 62305-2: Risk Assessment
MS IEC 62305-3: Protection of structures & Life Hazards.
MS IEC 62305-4: Protection of electrical & electronic systems within structure.

The relation between these 4 parts is briefly explained below;

Lightning threat is mainly due to 4 sources of damages

Source S1: Lightning striking the structure
Source S2: Lightning striking near the structure
Source S3: Lightning striking a service
Source S4: Lightning striking near the service.

To mitigate the risks, the damages need to be ascertained. There are basically 3 types of damages :-

  • Injury/death to the living beings
  • Physical damage to the structure
  • Failure of electrical & electronic equipment

The above damages have to be controlled within ‘TOLERABLE LEVELS’ to minimise 4 types of losses :-

  • Loss of Human life
  • Loss of essential public services (wherever applicable)
  • Loss of cultural damage (wherever applicable)
  • Economic loss.

Normally lightning protection is either over designed or inadequately designed most of the times which goes as per the experience of Electrical Consultant/Architect/Contractor. This problem is addressed precisely in MS IEC 62305 by a simple technique. Tolerable risk levels are defined for each type of loss. Then, risk has to be calculated for the building that needs protection. If the calculated risk is above the tolerable level, then the most economical protection technique can be employed to bring the calculated risk level below the tolerable level. To reduce the losses due to lightning protection measures may be required. Whether they are needed & to what extent can be determined by using Risk assessment software.

Our Tokai Risk Assessment software can measure the calculated risk for the building, which is under study, is more than the tolerable limit for 2 factors: loss of domain & Economic loss (displayed in RED colour). Loss of public service & loss of cultural heritage is not applicable for industries. To bring the above risks within the tolerable levels, one or any combination of following protection techniques need to be employed.

  • Lightning protection as per LPL 1 to 4
  • Co-ordinated SPD protection
  • Fire protection (manual or automatic)
  • Soil equi-potentialisation
  • Warning notices
  • Physical restriction
  • Electrical insulation

An important unique feature of this software is that, by having different permutations & combinations, most economical solution can be easily arrived within very little iterations. It means the just adequate protection for the typo of building is achieved without the risk of over design or under design.

Get In Touch With Us!

Tokai’s world-class lightning protection systems and security engineering solutions keep the nation’s infrastructures safe and minimizes downtime. If you have any enquiries or require further information, get in touch with us! Our qualified and highly experienced personnel is available to provide quality consultation and to offer the customized solution for your needs.