Brochure Downloads

Download our product brochures to learn more and make a wise, informed decision today!

Earthing & Lightning Protection (E&LP)

A comprehensive catalogue featuring Tokai’s solutions for earthing and lightning protection to provide critical protection in the face of nature’s awesome fury!

Electronic Surge Protection (ESP)

Featuring Tokai’s protective solutions for today’s wide array of electronic systems. These proven solutions are designed to protect your system from downtime and data loss.

Tokai Exothermic Welding

Tokai’s Exothermic Welding Catalogue provides complete data and product listing of its Exothermic Welding capabilities, as well as its diverse applications.

Stray Current Corrosion Mgnt System

Stray current causes electrolytic corrosion leading to loss of material and damages. Learn how Tokai’s solution provides the necessary protection.

Tokai WXLine Early Warning System

Be alerted of impending lightning strikes and activate defensive measures. State-of-the-art EARLY DETECTION SYSTEM for critical industrial installations.

Tokai Security Bollards

Suitable for high-frequency, high-security vehicle access sites. Especially for the government buildings, airports, military bases and nuclear power station

Get In Touch With Us!

Tokai’s world-class lightning protection systems and security engineering solutions keep the nation’s infrastructures safe and minimizes downtime. If you have any enquiries or require further information, get in touch with us! Our qualified and highly experienced personnel is available to provide quality consultation and to offer the customized solution for your needs.